Happy New Year! I hope this year brings you abundant life and happiness! In true new year's spirit I decided to make a new year's resolution. I know they can be hoke and often trivial, usually about loosing the extra 5 lbs you put on over Christmas because of gramma's mac and cheese and pie, but I think this can also be a great thing. Making a goal for yourself that is attainable if some effort is put forward can feel rewarding and satisfying. So this year I want to be a better steward of my relationships. I've not always done well when if comes to communicating feelings or maintaining long lasting relationships, and I want to put more effort into making sure that the people I care about know I love them. It is my hope that the relationships in my life that are strained can be healed this year and the relationships that are new will become close friendships. I am blessed to know so many wonderful people and I have a loving family and I appreciate each person God has placed in my life. I hope I can live up to this resolution.
After a wonderful break at home, full of cable television, free meals and time with family and friends I am back in Athens. Moving away, has been hard but has made me realize how great the friends and family I have back home are! So I'm slightly sad to be back so soon, but happy to be moving forward to the end of this degree. It really is amazing the amount of time the average person spends watching TV. To suddenly be thrown back into a house without cable has been a shock to my system. I am constantly left with the question "What should I do now?" I've spent the last three days organizing, cleaning, re-packing and throwing away items I moved here with. This is a great thing in a way because it needed to be done, the only problem is I did it in three days. I have 141 days left until I get to go home for another long break. I'm sure homework will take up some of those nights, but I can't help but feel like I'll be back to twiddling my thumbs in no time. There is no doubt I am looking forward to finishing up this degree and getting back to a job and having an income and....cable.... I'm 1/4 there! haha
Tonight I had the privilege of going to a UGA gym dogs gymnastics meet against WVU. UGA came out on top, there were some impressive flips and stunts, to include the moonwalk on the balance beam. Pretty Sweet! This event was packed out with fans and even included fire works. They hold 4 consecutive national championship titles, and are looking strong for this year. I can see why they are so popular here. The interesting thing is they are more popular than a few sports that usually draw a crowd, including basketball.
With the beginning of the semester underway and statistics, papers, and research around the corner...I think it only appropriate to leave you with this inspiring message:
The Red, Black and Blue
Friday, January 9, 2009
Friday, November 14, 2008
Rain, Rain Go Away
Again it is Friday and again water is falling from the sky. At this point, this repetitive raining is more laughable than anything else. Today though, is a good day. Today holds promise for some real excitement. In about two hours I'm heading to the airport and flying home. This is the first of a few trips I will be making between now and Christmas. Centreville tonight, Arlington Tomorrow and then back to Athens Sunday. Next weekend it'll be a drive to Raliegh to visit my sister and see my best friend who is coming back from Africa and then home for a whole week. I am excited for the chance to get back and be able to work and play in DC.
On a more serious note, I had a great discussion with a friend on the grace of God and our constant struggle for perfection. Check out this video:
Now Matthew 5:48 says "Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect."
I have two natures, my sinful nature aka the flesh and my new spirit nature given to my through the Holy Spirit and belief in Christ and in what he did. If the Holy Spirit lives within me it is making my sinful nature a slave to God's Law. However, as a creature with free will I have the choice to step into that nature or into my new nature, my spiritual nature when a decision is to be made. If the word gives us the instruction to be perfect as the father is perfect, then it is clear that we have a choice to sin or not. For every sin committed, knowingly or unknowingly we commit it with choice through out actions and thoughts. But if God knows that we cannot actually attain this then why would it continue to be a command?
I know he sent Jesus, so that he would cover up our imperfection and allow us to be saved in spite of our constantly choosing to do the wrong thing because it was easier..or even just what we wanted to do. I also understand that a lot of Christians use God's grace as an excuse to do what they want and say "well, I guess I'll have some repenting to do tomorrow" That in itself is a terribly flawed way of thinking, but even some of the most devout are guilty of it. Some of us fall into self-righteousness and look down on others as if we have the world, it's paradox and God all figured out and are somehow better than our brother; they claim humility and don't even realize they've lost it before they even had it. There are also more than enough of us who walk around self-defeated and feeling oppressed and depressed. So, this brings me to beg the question wouldn't this naturally set one up to believe they will never be close to perfect, yet because God says so should still try to reach perfection pre-accepting their failure? And won't this lead to constant repenting and a feeling of guilt? And then we should just believe that somehow in the end it'll just work out through Christ? Even if I believe it will it feels like a piece of this puzzle missing. There is something in the scope of things I can not see.
This can feel very defeating and it is easy to feel disappointed in yourself. You feel like you are someone who constantly is choosing to sin, constantly messing up, constantly repenting for things you did on purpose, and end up feeling pretty useless. You throw your hands up in the air and say "God, is this what you want from me? If it isn't please fix me!"

And for some we may receive that peace in their spirit that says "You're my child I love you, don't beat yourself up." But others, like myself receive quiet. No clear response. Do my prayers fall on deaf ears or is he working this out in my heart? Am I just being impatient? I know that in our society we have a instant gratification addiction and do not know what true patience is. We can't even sit in a line at Walmart for more then one minute without starting to huff and moan about what a terrible inconvenience it is. So, I am not perfect, but my father in heaven is. God never changes, he is just, and he knows what is ultimately the best thing to work out your salvation. If he is good then surely all of this stumbling around in what seems to be the dark is leading somewhere meaningful. Right?
Anyways....I'm off! Time to go home - FINALLY :)
On a more serious note, I had a great discussion with a friend on the grace of God and our constant struggle for perfection. Check out this video:
Now Matthew 5:48 says "Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect."
I have two natures, my sinful nature aka the flesh and my new spirit nature given to my through the Holy Spirit and belief in Christ and in what he did. If the Holy Spirit lives within me it is making my sinful nature a slave to God's Law. However, as a creature with free will I have the choice to step into that nature or into my new nature, my spiritual nature when a decision is to be made. If the word gives us the instruction to be perfect as the father is perfect, then it is clear that we have a choice to sin or not. For every sin committed, knowingly or unknowingly we commit it with choice through out actions and thoughts. But if God knows that we cannot actually attain this then why would it continue to be a command?
I know he sent Jesus, so that he would cover up our imperfection and allow us to be saved in spite of our constantly choosing to do the wrong thing because it was easier..or even just what we wanted to do. I also understand that a lot of Christians use God's grace as an excuse to do what they want and say "well, I guess I'll have some repenting to do tomorrow" That in itself is a terribly flawed way of thinking, but even some of the most devout are guilty of it. Some of us fall into self-righteousness and look down on others as if we have the world, it's paradox and God all figured out and are somehow better than our brother; they claim humility and don't even realize they've lost it before they even had it. There are also more than enough of us who walk around self-defeated and feeling oppressed and depressed. So, this brings me to beg the question wouldn't this naturally set one up to believe they will never be close to perfect, yet because God says so should still try to reach perfection pre-accepting their failure? And won't this lead to constant repenting and a feeling of guilt? And then we should just believe that somehow in the end it'll just work out through Christ? Even if I believe it will it feels like a piece of this puzzle missing. There is something in the scope of things I can not see.
This can feel very defeating and it is easy to feel disappointed in yourself. You feel like you are someone who constantly is choosing to sin, constantly messing up, constantly repenting for things you did on purpose, and end up feeling pretty useless. You throw your hands up in the air and say "God, is this what you want from me? If it isn't please fix me!"

And for some we may receive that peace in their spirit that says "You're my child I love you, don't beat yourself up." But others, like myself receive quiet. No clear response. Do my prayers fall on deaf ears or is he working this out in my heart? Am I just being impatient? I know that in our society we have a instant gratification addiction and do not know what true patience is. We can't even sit in a line at Walmart for more then one minute without starting to huff and moan about what a terrible inconvenience it is. So, I am not perfect, but my father in heaven is. God never changes, he is just, and he knows what is ultimately the best thing to work out your salvation. If he is good then surely all of this stumbling around in what seems to be the dark is leading somewhere meaningful. Right?
Anyways....I'm off! Time to go home - FINALLY :)
Friday, November 7, 2008
Why does it always rain on Friday?

I didn't have an opportunity to "hmm and haw” (as the southerners say) last week, I actually found something to do on a Friday night! The fact that it was all hallows eve helped. We made it downtown to meet friends in what we could scrounge up and create costumes out of and had a good time. Apparently it is usually quite a sight to see. However, last Friday fell on the same weekend as the UGA v FL game. People plan their weddings and when they conceive their children around football here, so it was no surprise that downtown was more like a ghost town then a buzzing mass of the dressed up and drunk. Also my bible study ran through a corn maze in the dark.

This week is back to the same old-same old. It’s Friday, I’m bored, it’s raining.

I’ve been wishing and wanting to be home recently. Don’t get me wrong, people are friendly and take their time to do everything here. Beer and conversation flows like water and it actually is nice to just sit on your front porch with a cup of hot tea and talk about the neighbors. On the other hand, I miss the ambient light, the constant honking of taxi drivers, the rush, the fabulous lifestyles of a metro area, the sleepless social circles and dancing to house music all night. I especially miss my friends and family. Everyone goes through seasons of “what if?” What if I hadn’t left, what if I had gotten to hang out with him a few more times, what if I had spent more time with them before I moved, what if I felt like I fit in here, what if I didn’t keep ending up in this Friday night rut…..the list goes on. I go home in ONE week, and it seems I already have almost every day taken up with activities and my favorite places to eat. I’m really excited. I know that one place isn’t necessarily better than the other, but I do think it is safe to say that one place is a better fit. But this is a good experience. I can come away with an appreciation for city life that I really didn’t have before. I know now where “home “is and that is a lesson I am very fortunate to have learned. A lot of people wander form place to place trying to find where they belong. I can say I know that I am a traveler, an explorer and comfortably a city dweller.

Friday, October 24, 2008
Thinking over a glass of wine

Funny how it seems to rain on Fridays. Its usually a celebratory day, but the weather seems to be telling me to put on something comfortable and hit the couch. This week has been good. I decided that Bruce Lee is extremely under appreciated in our current society. Just watch Enter the Dragon. This 1970's flick was exciting, philosophical, and had some of the best sound effects I think I've ever heard. Not to mention, Bruce Lee kicks some serious ass and never seems to run out of strength or valour. But enough about Bruce, he really is completely unrelated to Athens.

A club called the Library has Spicy Salsa every Wednesday. It's extremely fun, but seems hard to get out of there without someone hitting on you. Every girl loves to feel light on her feet and hot, but Latin dancing is already such a "spicy" thing. A close hold, a fast song, and two sweaty bodies are the makings of a potentially nebulous situation. I can't help but wonder if it is not "more" than a dance to one fellow more than another. I'm of the belief that the Cindy Lauper song holds a lot of truth, and girls just want to have fun.

A club called the Library has Spicy Salsa every Wednesday. It's extremely fun, but seems hard to get out of there without someone hitting on you. Every girl loves to feel light on her feet and hot, but Latin dancing is already such a "spicy" thing. A close hold, a fast song, and two sweaty bodies are the makings of a potentially nebulous situation. I can't help but wonder if it is not "more" than a dance to one fellow more than another. I'm of the belief that the Cindy Lauper song holds a lot of truth, and girls just want to have fun.
The moral of this week's story is this: If a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, then why do we love the chase? Many of us run around in such an objectless manner; whatever it is you are trying to catch. For some of us its love, companionship, attention, a feeling of significance, power, grace. For me this could be a lot of things. I chase after knowledge, a sense of confidence, an occasional flirtatious look from a stranger, a clearer understanding about the mercy the Lord is constantly giving, or even a good long conversation about paradox or mysticism. But I think one could turn this around; look at it from another perspective. Its funny, I was listening to a Sara Bareilles song called Love on the Rocks where she was talking about love and relationship gone sour. She says "you love the chase but hate me for the run around". I dig that. Maybe I kind of like being a bird in the bush. Maybe I'm not ready to give in and be caught yet. Maybe it has something to do with not knowing what I want. Maybe its the wine speaking.....maybe.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Rainy Friday
This week has been...eventful. Some things good, some things bad. Before I go into any detail it is important to mention a very important lesson I've learned over the span of the past few days. No matter what you are about to step into in life, try not to hold on too tightly to expectations of what you think today will be like. I spend a lot of time pondering the future and the ramifications of my decisions, but the truth is God is holding my future. Some things come about as surprises and others as disappointments. This in it self is ok, because its "life".
Latest news or crazes that I've found include an aerial silks and trapeze studio. I am officially taking aerial silks lessons once a week. Maybe one day I'll run away and join the circus and put these odd talents of mine to good use. Also, while playing around online I found a new fabulously dangerous version of childhood favorite toy the Skip-it. A company called bearclaw fire arts is selling an item called the burn-it. That is correct- a ball and chain you can light on fire! I could hardly contain my curiosity and excitement. For a second I even considered ordering this amazing piece of merchandise until I had a vision of myself "burn-it-ing" along and getting it wrapped around my ankles, falling, and it's once so fun flames turning into sudden disaster. Which reminds me.....
Right now my thoughts are heavy on food... Athens may not have much to offer when it comes to quality adult nightlife, but there is certainly no shortage of places to get a tasty meal. However, money and time are of the essence when you are a Graduate Student. Its an unfortunate state or perpetual poorness that you know will continue to get worse and worse with each take out order you make, but dammit sometimes you just gotta have Chinese! Sigh... haha I'm trying to think of Chinese like food I can make with the scant and random miscellany of items I have in my pantry and freezer. Most nights when this happens I will pace between the computer and the fridge and ultimately just hop in the car and go get it. After all, who feels like cooking wanna be Chinese food on a Friday night!

Right now my thoughts are heavy on food... Athens may not have much to offer when it comes to quality adult nightlife, but there is certainly no shortage of places to get a tasty meal. However, money and time are of the essence when you are a Graduate Student. Its an unfortunate state or perpetual poorness that you know will continue to get worse and worse with each take out order you make, but dammit sometimes you just gotta have Chinese! Sigh... haha I'm trying to think of Chinese like food I can make with the scant and random miscellany of items I have in my pantry and freezer. Most nights when this happens I will pace between the computer and the fridge and ultimately just hop in the car and go get it. After all, who feels like cooking wanna be Chinese food on a Friday night!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Not a Pity Party
Well, I figured this would be a good way to put my thoughts in writing. I figure not many people will continue to read it any ways, so why not write, right? The significance or meaning of the title is simple. I moved to Athens, GA on August 10. I've been a little down since I've been here (blue); missing friends and family and city life. I traded all of that in for two years of graduate school at UGA (hence the red and black). Adjusting has been coming slowly, especially being surrounded by folks who are not quite like me. For some reason people are more interested in the latest trail they've hiked and not how hard the find the difference in People Magazine was or how great Charlize's shoes were at the last red carpet event. For anyone who knows me...I'm not out-doorsy.
So here it is, the gist, the point, the meat and potatoes: I'll document my "adventures in Athens" and make sure you are aware of any strange customs or findings I might come across. For example, did you know that Hoschton, Ga has the world record for scarecrows. Yep, they have them working on cars, climbing telephone poles, even the Georgia football team is positioned on a field as if awaiting kickoff (which they frequently update based on how the teams are doing). Check it out:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSPNMCvh18M Creepy or Cool? I'll let you be the judge. I'm on the fence.
Who knows I may leave here in two years with sentimental feelings and actually become one of "those" people who like to hike (highly unlikely). Or I may have my bags packed 3 months in advance, just waiting to hop in my car and get back to civilization (too harsh? sorry). Yep. So I hope you get a kick out of it. Let me know what you think.
PS: For those of you who are thinking "WTF Bethany, you're not the blogging kind...." I can only reply that boredom will make you do strange strange things. And somehow in my head this is WAY better than doing homework on a Friday night. haha...
So here it is, the gist, the point, the meat and potatoes: I'll document my "adventures in Athens" and make sure you are aware of any strange customs or findings I might come across. For example, did you know that Hoschton, Ga has the world record for scarecrows. Yep, they have them working on cars, climbing telephone poles, even the Georgia football team is positioned on a field as if awaiting kickoff (which they frequently update based on how the teams are doing). Check it out:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSPNMCvh18M Creepy or Cool? I'll let you be the judge. I'm on the fence.
Who knows I may leave here in two years with sentimental feelings and actually become one of "those" people who like to hike (highly unlikely). Or I may have my bags packed 3 months in advance, just waiting to hop in my car and get back to civilization (too harsh? sorry). Yep. So I hope you get a kick out of it. Let me know what you think.
PS: For those of you who are thinking "WTF Bethany, you're not the blogging kind...." I can only reply that boredom will make you do strange strange things. And somehow in my head this is WAY better than doing homework on a Friday night. haha...
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