I didn't have an opportunity to "hmm and haw” (as the southerners say) last week, I actually found something to do on a Friday night! The fact that it was all hallows eve helped. We made it downtown to meet friends in what we could scrounge up and create costumes out of and had a good time. Apparently it is usually quite a sight to see. However, last Friday fell on the same weekend as the UGA v FL game. People plan their weddings and when they conceive their children around football here, so it was no surprise that downtown was more like a ghost town then a buzzing mass of the dressed up and drunk. Also my bible study ran through a corn maze in the dark.

This week is back to the same old-same old. It’s Friday, I’m bored, it’s raining.

I’ve been wishing and wanting to be home recently. Don’t get me wrong, people are friendly and take their time to do everything here. Beer and conversation flows like water and it actually is nice to just sit on your front porch with a cup of hot tea and talk about the neighbors. On the other hand, I miss the ambient light, the constant honking of taxi drivers, the rush, the fabulous lifestyles of a metro area, the sleepless social circles and dancing to house music all night. I especially miss my friends and family. Everyone goes through seasons of “what if?” What if I hadn’t left, what if I had gotten to hang out with him a few more times, what if I had spent more time with them before I moved, what if I felt like I fit in here, what if I didn’t keep ending up in this Friday night rut…..the list goes on. I go home in ONE week, and it seems I already have almost every day taken up with activities and my favorite places to eat. I’m really excited. I know that one place isn’t necessarily better than the other, but I do think it is safe to say that one place is a better fit. But this is a good experience. I can come away with an appreciation for city life that I really didn’t have before. I know now where “home “is and that is a lesson I am very fortunate to have learned. A lot of people wander form place to place trying to find where they belong. I can say I know that I am a traveler, an explorer and comfortably a city dweller.

We all miss you, too. City life has been really boring since August. Home is calling. :)
I wish I was him. I can read straight through you! ha ha Did you take that pic of DC from Anacostia? That looks just like the view from the Catholic Church there.
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